


It’s easy for your Mac to get stuffed full of files, but there are ways to streamline them. In the Apple menu, select About This Mac, then Storage and Manage to access Apple’s tools for reducing clutter and optimizing storage.

To be more hands–on, have GrandPersp­ective (free, grandpersp­ectiv. sourceforg­ scan a folder or an entire drive. The resulting grid–based diagram shows what’s taking up space — such as huge installers you might have forgotten about — allowing you to flag items for deletion or offloading to other external drives.

Finally, Hazel ($42, lets you define custom rules that automate how certain files are dealt with. For example, you can point it at your Downloads folder and it’ll bin installers of a certain age, send images to Photos, and flag up files that have been hanging around for a long time that you might want to consider deleting, to make space.

 ??  ?? It’s not a pretty app, but GrandPersp­ective gives you a superb overview of what’s taking up space on your Mac.
It’s not a pretty app, but GrandPersp­ective gives you a superb overview of what’s taking up space on your Mac.

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