
HOW TO Find your way


1 Find a location

Tap the search box at the top and type a place name or location, then pick a result from the list. The app will show its location as a what3words code. Tap any other square on the grid to get a new place code.

2 Scan or talk

Tap the square icon to the right of the search bar, then grant access to your camera. You can now scan a printed what3words code into the app to find a location. Or tap the speech bubble to speak a location code.

3 Start navigating

Once you have a what3words location, tap “Navigate”, then choose an app like Apple Maps or Citymapper to get directions there. Alternativ­ely, tap “Compass” to get a digital compass on the screen that points the way.

4 Share your location

Sharing your current location is easy. Tap the arrow icon in the bottom right to center on your location, or load a what3words code. Now tap “Share” at the bottom and choose an option from the share sheet.

5 Save to favorites

Tap “Save”, then add a label. Places are saved to your favorites — you can tap “Change” to add a new list. Tap “Saved” to remove it, or find saved locations in the app menu, tap “…”, then tap “Delete from list”.

6 View and share favorites

To find your saved locations, tap the menu icon in the top left, then tap “Saved locations”. Tap one to show it on the what3words map. Inside a saved list, tap the three dots, then tap “Share list” to send it.

7 Photo mode

Tap the menu icon and tap Photo mode. Snap a picture or choose one from your library at the bottom left, after which a what3words code will be applied. You can customize this tag’s appearance, then share the image.

8 Customize settings

Tap the menu icon, then tap “Settings”. Here you can customize the way what3words works. In Share settings, you can add latitude and longitude to shared locations, for instance, or share them in another language.

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