
> LastPass


From $3.00/month


If other apps seem boringly similar, LastPass has many neat touches which could give it the edge. It supports a wide range of different categories of protected data, including a full address book, as well as bank accounts and SSH keys.

Because it’s a native Mac app, and doesn’t use Electron, you can copy usernames and passwords straight from buttons which appear in its list of protected items when you hover the pointer over them, using a single click. This copes excellentl­y with those infuriatin­g sites which pop login windows up from addresses which aren’t recognized by the browser extension, and would normally send you fumbling for your details.

Adding new passwords for more common services is ably assisted, as some of the details are completed for you. Another feature we liked is a full history of access to your vault from different devices, which is displayed in the Web version of its vault.

Well–designed interface

Secure address book

Easy copy names and passwords

Access log in Web vault

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