
HOW TO Organize your media lists with Sofa


Add some items

Tap the “+” in the bottom–right, then tap a category. Here, we’re going to add movies and TV shows. Type the show’s name and press Search, tap “+” next to the one you want to add, then choose where to save it.

The Shelf

Sofa’s subscripti­on has The Shelf for items you want to get to next. Tap “...” on any item, then tap “Put on Shelf” to move it. It’ll go to the top of the category. On the app’s home page, tap The Shelf to view these items.

Edit an item

Tap “...” on an item, or tap and hold it. You can then move or copy it to another list, put it on your shelf, or add a Sticky Note. There are options to tick it off your list and keep or remove it from your library.


When searching for a title, tap the name of the category in the bottom–left to change to a different media type. Or tap Quick Add and switch to Multi–Add to add multiple items to your lists.

The Pile

The Pile, which houses everything you haven’t sorted into lists yet, is free for everyone. Once items are added to The Pile, tap Keep to move them into a list, or tap the bin icon to remove them from The Pile.

List settings

Inside a list, tap “...” in the top– right corner. From here, you can edit a list’s name, change its view and sort order, delete it, or copy a link to share. You can find a specific title within your list by using the search box.

Create a new list

Groups put related lists together. Tap “+” in the top–left of the home page, then New Group. Give it a name and tap Create, then tap “...” and Add List. Or tap “+” in the top–left, then New List and choose your group.

View more details

Tap an item inside any list to view more details. You can add your own comments with a Sticky Note (Premium only). Tap “Log to Activity” to tick it off your list; this lets you keep it in your library or remove it.

Activity view

On the home page, the Activity section shows everything you’ve marked as done in a historical timeline. The premium version lets you filter by year and category, and shows more detailed stats of your activity.

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