
HOW TO Work with other people


Click on Collaborat­e

Apple’s own apps such as Pages, Numbers, and Keynote have excellent sharing features. Call them up by clicking on the Collaborat­e icon in the toolbar. You’ll then be asked to choose how you want to share your iCloud file.

Select sharing options

By default, anybody you invite is able to access the file and nobody else. Change this by clicking Who Can Access and selecting “anyone with the link”. Don’t do this with confidenti­al files though.

Allow or prevent editing

Unless you specify otherwise, anybody who has access to your file also has the ability to edit. If you are sharing a file for someone to read but not change, change the Permission­s drop–down to View Only.

Work together

Pages (and similar apps) can now track changes and comments that other people add. For example here, one of our colleagues — shown in red — is asking about a particular bit of text and we (in yellow) are replying to the query.

Share from Finder

You don’t need to open an app such as Pages to share docs from it: Ctrl–click on a file in the Finder to see the Share options shown here. In this case we’re sharing a PNG image so the sharing options also include Add To Photos.

Adjust the options

Once again, you’ll see the familiar sharing options where you can specify who can access the file and whether they’re able to edit it or just view it. This shares a link to the file, which remains stored in your iCloud.

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