
HOW TO Take manual control over camera settings


Adjust settings

Tap the cog (bottom left) to fine– tune camera settings. Turn on Clip to show exposure clipping warnings (see step 4). Turn on Histogram to display a shot’s spread of shadows and highlights as an undulating graph.

Exposure compensati­on

Tap the “+/–” exposure icon. Swipe the exposure wheel clockwise to brighten the exposure. Overexpose­d (clipped) highlights appear as patches of orange. Underexpos­ed shadows appear blue.

Add motion blur

Tap the Shutter Speed button. This enables you to dial in a faster or slower shutter speed. Here we’ve chosen a slow shutter speed of 1/8 of a second, keeping static subjects sharp but adding blur to moving ones.

Manual control

Tap the Mode button (see label “D” opposite) to view a range of shooting modes such as Portrait and Live Photo. Tap to choose Pro. This camera mode enables you to manually adjust shutter speed, aperture value and ISO sensitivit­y.

White balance

To make a shot’s colors look accurate in different lighting conditions tap the White Balance button (see label “C” opposite). Tap a White Balance preset (such as Tungsten) to choose a look that suits the subject’s light source.

Filter fun

Obscura can mimic the creative look of a range of filters. Tap the Filter button. Swipe through a collection of filters. Here an M (monochrome) filter has darkened the blues of the sky for a striking black–and–white look.

Manual focus

Tap the Focus button. Swipe the focus dial to manually focus on your chosen subject. The Loupe view option gives you a magnified look. Focus peaking adds orange outlines to define the sharpest subject.


If you’re not sure what White Balance preset to use, you can slide your finger to dial in a specific color temperatur­e in degrees Kelvin. This lets you counteract warm or cold light sources for more accurate colors.

Organize assets

Tap the Library button to view your images. You can use Obscura’s asset– management tools to add star ratings, flags and choose favorite shots. You can also add color–changing filters to images after you’ve snapped them.

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