Marie Claire Australia


When unexpected opportunit­ies come the way of the Bull, just say yes



There are some spicy developmen­ts on the horizon as the next eclipse cycle (kicking off September 18) heralds a season of changes around how you approach sex and pleasure.

The September eclipse will kick off a two-year period (until August 2026) where how, what or who you like in bed could completely shift. It’s the kind of space weather where you might find yourself tumbling down a rabbit hole into kink culture without even trying.


Expect a big energetic reset towards the end of the year when Mars retrograde (from December 7) prompts you to reflect on how you assert yourself within your family dynamic.

This is the kind of energy where issues (or people) from the past – especially men – could resurface and challenge you to reconsider how you advocate for yourself behind closed doors.

Outwardly expressing your frustratio­n might not come easily, but sometimes finding a healthy outlet for anger will save you considerab­le heartache in the long run. Better out than in!


The good times keep on rolling with Jupiter, the planet associated with abundance and optimism activating your financial sphere from May 26. It’s the beginning of a 12-month phase where broadening your mind and getting curious about cash will pay off – literally.

Taureans can be a little, er, resistant to change, so if you’re set in your ways when spending or possibly still using the same account you’ve had since primary school, consider 2024 the moment to boost your financial literacy. Delve into podcasts about crypto, read up on NFTs or start researchin­g investment property. A Raiz account may just be the accessory you never knew you needed.

Serendipit­y is your middle name the first half of 2024, as Jupiter sashays through your home sign. Make the most of its bouncy blend of confidence and optimism by putting yourself out there and not being afraid to go for that big promotion. When unexpected opportunit­ies come your way – and they will – just say yes, especially between

April 7 and May 13, when Jupiter teams up with Uranus. Put your hand up and ask for what you want – and don’t be surprised when you get it.


While Jupiter and Uranus make for optimal confidence levels in the first five months of the year, they could equally cause you to overextend and take on a little bit too much. Resist the temptation to overcommit – especially if your deadline falls after May 13 – by taking things a step at a time.

With the north node in your 12th house, propensiti­es to check out, numb out or emotionall­y withdraw could be activated when everything feels a bit too much. Stay on the front foot and experiment with using exercise (yes, really) as a way to manage stress, the more cardio-focused the better. Manage expectatio­ns and check in with a trusted confidante to make sure you’re not setting goals too lofty and thus risking burn out.

“September kicks off a two-year period where how, what or who you like in bed could completely shift”

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