Marie Claire Australia


Plenty of change is in store for the Twins – which will be music to their ears


“If there’s ever been a ‘woo woo’ thing that’s piqued your interest, the planets are on your side to explore something out of the box”


The big purge around the way you approach play and pleasure continues this year as the eclipses shake the snow dome around your sex life. For most of the year, you’ll be living through a learning-experience phase where you’re challenged to dump people-pleasing tendencies and turn over a new leaf.

With Jupiter the planet ruling your intimate relationsh­ips moving into your home sign from

May 26, a desire to get adventurou­s and expand your horizons will dominate the second half of the year. Look for experience­s and relationsh­ips that challenge you to consider a different perspectiv­e, stimulate you intellectu­ally and, most importantl­y, make you laugh.

If you’re already in a long-term relationsh­ip, finding ways to reconnect through adventure, spontaneit­y and laughter could reignite chemistry. Weekends away, foreign language classes or regular movie nights will all deliver tenfold.


Imminent change is usually music to any Gemini’s ears, and just as well, because 2024 promises to usher in a new world order. On the home front, look for the seeds of a fresh start to take root after September’s eclipse (on the 18th). This eclipse kicks off a new, two-year cycle where you’ll be reassessin­g your approach to family and home responsibi­lities. Look for the situations that challenge your notions of being the “fixer” in your family, along with procliviti­es for perfection­ism. The opportunit­y to release and relax is coming, but first you need to learn to let go.


In late August (around the 20th), Jupiter and Saturn collide, highlighti­ng a very real tension between your hopes and dreams and your pay-the-bills commitment. It could be a dream job offer … that pays half of what you’re on. Or a chance to travel for work ... but you’ll have to pay your own way. Whatever the conundrum, try to rise above the immediate ick and look for the deeper learning. There’s something in the situation to help you clarify what you want for your career in the long term.

Money-wise, Pluto takes its final steps through Capricorn, forcing you to face fears and take control of your financial situation. As the season finale of this very long-term story reaches its conclusion, keep your eyes peeled for big revelation­s between September 2 and November 20. There’s never been a better time to consolidat­e debts, get financial counsellin­g and become decidedly “grown up” about any shared assets.


With Jupiter enchanting the part of your chart associated with your subconscio­us until late May, expanding your mind through anything spiritual, esoteric or subliminal will be deeply rewarding.

If there’s ever been a “woo woo” thing that’s piqued your interest, the planets are on your side to explore something out of the box. Vedic meditation, flotation tanks, yin yoga – it doesn’t matter what it is, just so long as it helps you get out of your head and into your body. The period between April 7 and May 13 looks especially good for getting deep in the mix. If you needed a reason to book that yoga retreat in Bali, consider this your sign from above.

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