Marie Claire Australia


Balance continues to be key, but it’s also time to cast off some outdated beliefs



There’s a lot of big feels this year, as 2024 continues the major love lessons that first began brewing in April 2023. The April 9 eclipse looks especially significan­t and will be a time to heal old wounds around how you express your needs in your closest relationsh­ips. If you’re holding a grudge, it’s time to let bygones be bygones. Connecting to the determined, courageous part of yourself (that you might not always feel most connected to) is key. This is your time to be the hero rather than a supporting player.

An insatiable desire for approval could get you into trouble towards the end of the year when Mars retrograde (from December 7 until February 24, 2025) highlights tensions with friends. This is a time for reflection and pause rather than charging ahead or trying to assert yourself. If things feel heated, step back.


If you’re looking for the perfect time to book a family getaway, the weekend around the Capricorn full moon (July 21) looks especially nice. There’s a grand finale vibe at home around November 20, when Pluto – the planet signifying power dynamics, secrets and control – shifts out of your home and family space where it’s been for the past 15 years! Look out for the big reveal (September 2 – November 20) when you could get a neat summary of exactly what this long, intense period has meant for you.

Those famous Libran diplomacy skills could come in handy in the lead up to Christmas when the final Mercury retrograde (November 26 – December 16) brings the confusion. Saturn and Neptune team up to lend a hazy shade of “I thought you were bringing the turkey” to proceeding­s. Cross Ts, dot Is and triple check everything, preferably in writing, to avoid hiccups.


That MBA or psych qualificat­ion that’s been calling you might finally become a reality in 2024. As you enter a once-in-12-year cycle of learning and heightened curiosity (from May 26 onwards), a postgrad course never looked so good. If study doesn’t sound like your jam, OS travel could be the perfect way to scratch your Jupiter in Gemini itch. Immersion in other cultures – whether it’s a secondment at work or a 12-month course at Alliance Française– is the perfect way to make the most of the energy.

Cast your mind back to June 2012 – June 2013 when Jupiter was last in Gemini for a hint of what might be in store (tip: look for the larger themes rather than expecting the exact same travel/learning experience­s to repeat).

If things feel a little wobbly around late August – early September, remind yourself the speedbump is temporary. Whether you’re acclimatis­ing to a new country or juggling life (work, family, general adulting) with part-time study, these new undertakin­gs are not for the faint-hearted.


Big healing is on the cards on a soul level this year as the South Node encourages you to dig deep and consider what old versions of yourself you are ready to let go. Look for the golden opportunit­ies to break habits and confront outdated belief systems, especially around your body and self-image. When negative self-talk arises, ask yourself, “Is this real but not true?” The feelings are real but the assertion is most likely a figment of your imaginatio­n. Like a snake shedding its skin, it’s a necessary part of the evolutiona­ry process. The lunar eclipse (September 18) kicks off a two-year period where you’ll get the chance to put those new life resolution­s to the test. Refreshing your approach to health and wellbeing will be a major focus.

“This is a time for reflection and pause rather than charging ahead or trying to assert yourself”

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