Marie Claire Australia


There’ll be moments of truth when the strong and silent Goat will want to change tack



While 2024 doesn’t look super eventful from a relationsh­ip perspectiv­e, there is something to be said for taking the easy road. As Pluto makes its final steps through your home sign, the sense that your most intimate relationsh­ips will feel just a little less heavy is highly likely.

Look for one last moment of truth (September 2 and November 20) before Pluto makes it final departure, reminding you of all your enormous personal growth over the past 15 years. If you’ve been coupled up during that time, make space to reflect on just how far you’ve come together. And if you haven’t, make time anyway because you’ve done a lot of evolving and that deserves a quiet moment of applause.

If you’re looking for a weekend to get away from it all, July 20-21 looks especially sweet for doing something light-hearted but meaningful with someone you adore.


The dramatic beginnings continue this year around your home life as the final Aries/Libra eclipses shake up where you’re living and/or how you get along with your family. Look for dramatic moments in April before the storyline that’s been playing out since April 2023 reaches its dramatic conclusion (October 3). In case you haven’t got the message so far, your karmic lessons right now are all focused on putting your own needs first. Shaking off the shackles of keeping things on an even keel (or trying to keep everyone else happy) is your big challenge.


It’s the end of an era as a major storyline that’s been playing out around your work comes to a conclusion in early October. As hard as it may be to let go of the kneejerk reaction to be the diplomat, this two-year cycle has been trying to highlight all the ways you can compromise a little too much. Putting yourself and your work priorities (and needs) at the bottom of the pack is a one-way ticket to burn out. Watch for the cues to practise a little more self-preservati­on. No-one will think any less of you for it, and if they do, they’re probably the very people who were taking advantage of your kindness.

Mind your step around the end of the year when

Mars retrograde (from December 7 – February 24, 2025) highlights financial tensions. Credit cards, mortgages, even your joint bank account could become a source of contention. This period is less about pointing fingers (although you may well feel like it!) and more about reassessin­g how you deal with conflict over money. If nothing else, remember this is not the time to play the strong, silent Capricorn card.


With Pluto finally shifting out of your home sign in November, a 15-year period that has tested your inner stores of resilience, willpower and fortitude comes to an end. Look for one last hit (September 2 and November 20) – and possibly one last test – as Pluto makes its final plod through Capricorn. Things should feel considerab­ly lighter once Pluto shifts into Aquarius for good on November 20. Hang in there, you can do this!

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