Marie Claire Australia


Responsibi­lity and duty loom large for Fish, but there’ll be energy and excitement also



It’s a big year for Pisceans as the eclipse cycle creeps closer towards your romantic centrestag­e. With Saturn already weighing heavily on your mind, there’s a sense of responsibi­lity and duty that could make every decision feel heavier and more serious than usual.

Getting real about your intimate relationsh­ips will be a significan­t theme throughout the year. If you’re in a relationsh­ip but holding back, there’s a sense that it’s time to commit and lock it down. You could feel pressure to start getting really serious about a future together – or not! For singles, there’s a clarifying quality to the year, where you’ll be forced to get in touch with what it is you really want.

Expect the need for a plan by August (16-24) when Jupiter and Saturn activate the need for action, one way or another. By the full moon of September 18, the wheels will be in motion for a new chapter. Don’t panic if you don’t have all the answers, you’ll have the next two years to figure them out.


Abundance, opportunit­y and the desire to spread your wings and expand your horizons take shape in May once Jupiter shifts into Gemini (May 26 onwards). As the planet synonymous with opportunit­y, abundance and optimism breezes into your domestic sphere, there’s a levity that should make being at home and with family a whole lot more fun. It’s a time to prioritise laughter, play, long voice notes (or phone calls if your mum doesn’t WhatsApp).


There’s new beginnings afoot in your financial sector as the final Aries/Libra eclipses beckon you to take a leap and start over. Look for exciting (but possibly terrifying) opportunit­ies in April when the eclipse on April 9 ushers in a new financial chapter. Finding ways to turn your experience (the good, the bad and the ugly) into a new revenue stream could pave the way for exhilarati­ng new ventures. By October, you’ll start to get a feel for what’s wrapping up and where you need to let go in order to fully commit to your next phase of financial freedom.

Work wise, things are looking less murky after the end of May, when a lightness around your living situation has a knock-on effect on how you approach work. A desire to broaden your skill set, go back to study or even explore teaching and sharing your knowledge and experience could bring a new energy and excitement to your work life.


If things feel heavy going into 2024, that’s because they are. As tricky as it may be, sometimes having confirmati­on that you are in the thick of it can be of some comfort. Slowing down and prioritisi­ng anything that helps keep your mental wellbeing in good shape should top your to-do list.

The Mars retrograde (from December 7 until February 2025) is a stellar reminder of the power of rest. If you’re prone to taking on too much, especially at work, this could be the moment when the wheels threaten to fall off. Don’t let it get to that stage! There is a way to put your wellbeing first without being a bad workmate; the key is to learn how to use your voice more effectivel­y.

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