Marie Claire Australia



marie claire beauty director Sally Hunwick trials Morpheus8 to tighten her post-baby stomach. Here’s what happened.

THE WHY My stomach, especially above my belly button, was lax after my second son and would “bunch up” in high waisted pants so I was keen to trial Morpheus8 to tighten things up.

WHAT HAPPENED It has to be said that this treatment isn’t a walk in the park. While I was numbed with numbing cream, I found the process hot and “ouchy” from start to finish. The second session we numbed for longer and I practised deep breathing, which helped. The good news is, post-session my stomach just felt like it was moderately sunburnt and I was able to go right back to work.

AFTERWARDS The body needles go deeper to stimulate collagen production and resurface skin, and there are more “pins” per shot (40 compared to 23 per shot for the face). Body parts also received around 1500 to 2500 shots per area. The redness subsided after around 24 hours but the griding (needle marks) stayed around for a good 2-3 weeks after each session. After 2 weeks I was able to exfoliate the skin and buff away the griding and it was gone by week 4. (It can take up to 6 weeks.) The heat your skin feels and the griding makes this a good treatment to do during the cooler months.

THE RESULTS After the three sessions I noticed a definite difference in my stomach laxity. My bellybutto­n was less “hooded” and when I bent over, the skin didn’t hang any more. The results are so good, the discomfort during the sessions absolutely feels worth it. I might even pluck up the courage to go back for another session or two.

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