Maximum PC



Honeypot role-playing for the Pi; protect your identity; master Chrome’s malware tool; create a pop-art portrait; tighten security.

EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS provide alerts to pending issues, so immediate action can be taken to prevent or reduce further damage. “Honeypot” is a term assigned to a computer system designed to detect unauthoriz­ed access to the resources it makes available. Honeypots are configured to look like legitimate computer resources on a network; the computer can be posed to look like a fileserver containing data that would appeal to an attacker. A honeypot webserver, a honeypot database, or a honeypot applicatio­n server would have resources staged as bait to attract the adversary. When the attacker tries to gain access to a specific resource, it is blocked, because the resource is fake. However, the attempt triggers an alert, and can be logged for analysis.

If an attacker has entered your network, depending on its configurat­ion, it may be fairly easy for them to move around undetected. Using a simple Raspberry Pi, we can build a juicy-looking resource, which generates an alert revealing the attacker’s presence when it detects them trying to access the system. The extensive list from the Awesome Honeypot resource ( https:// details the multiple flavors of honeypots available. Let’s install and test the open-source offering of OpenCanary (OC).


The bill of materials for this exercise is simple. Any version of Pi 2/3 hardware is acceptable. Even Pi Zero hardware with a wired or wireless network will work. The hardware required is minimal, because the device will be configured to simulate a service, not provide it. The operating system used in this project is 2018-03-13-raspbian-stretch-lite. The OpenCanary applicatio­n software didn’t have a version number, but can be downloaded from

>> A network-supported Pi 3 running Raspbian Stretch Lite was deployed for this project. Not all the software and applicatio­n bells and whistles offered in the full Raspbian install are needed for this build. The project doesn’t need a GUI, so there is no need to load the software. The Raspbian Lite version is acceptable for use in this project.

>> The configurat­ion changes are done from the console command-line interface (CLI). The console is accessed using an SSH connection. The details to instantiat­e the Pi and establish the connection aren’t covered here, but there’s a number of resources that describe how to accomplish these prerequisi­tes ( www.raspberryp­­ion/remote-access/ssh/).

>> This device will be hosting fake services. To ensure the device is secure, we are going to baseline what service ports are available, and then apply some service hardening. The

CLI command netstat -plutn is an ideal command to remember for listing which service ports are available [ Image A].

>> If you are not familiar with the naming convention for port services, drop the “n” from the command

netstat -plut . This removes the port number to service lookup translatio­n. Now you don’t have to remember that SSH is port 22.

>> Start the exercise of baselining the system by issuing the netstat command to get an idea of what ports are currently open. When the services reconfigur­ation below is completed, run the command again to see the results of the cleanup: sudo service --status-all sudo systemctl disable avahi-daemon sudo systemctl disable bluetooth sudo systemctl service rsync disable sudo systemctl disable motion

>> Retain this port knowledge as the baseline for the system. Any port additions that appear in the list from this point forward are a result of something changing. When making software changes, it is best practice to do a port check to confirm nothing has been added as a result of the change. Because this honeypot is being

configured as bait, we don’t want to leave any ports exposed that we don’t want to make available.


Let’s add some software prerequisi­tes for the OC installati­on. Countless times, software installs fail due to local repository content being stale. It is best practice—or let’s just say it will save you some headaches—if you make it a habit to perform a software update before any software additions. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git python-virtualenv python-pip pythondev libssl-dev libffi-dev samba

Not all the Potemkin village (a constructi­on, literal or figurative, built solely to deceive others into thinking that a situation is better than it really is) built of the services supported through OC is available in the applicatio­n. Samba, for example, must be fully installed and set to “autostart” for it to be used by OC. The Samba configurat­ion file provided in the OC installati­on must be installed in Samba to enable the service.

The documentat­ion indicates that OC is to be installed in a Python virtual environmen­t. Some systems require different versions of the same software library. The separation provided by virtual environmen­ts makes managing multiple software libraries easier. Creating the honeypot in a virtual environmen­t enables the device to keep the honeypot service separate from other services. However, trying to use a honeypot to provide additional services should raise security concerns, if you think about it. We won’t argue with the design to use a virtual environmen­t. Create the Python environmen­t, then enter (or source) the environmen­t. Clone the Github software installati­on directory, change to the directory, and start the OC installati­on: virtualenv -p python2 canary-env source ./canary-env/ bin/activate git clone cd opencanary/ python install

OC ships with a default configurat­ion file. The installati­on

docs indicate the opencanary­d –copyconfig command can be used to position the configurat­ion file correctly in order for the app to start. The command failed to work. Reading the error message displayed on the screen, and a quick cull of Internet search results, suggested copying the OC configurat­ion file to the proper location manually to establish a working config file: sudo mkdir /etc/opencanary­d sudo cp ~/opencanary/opencanary/data/settings.json /etc/ opencanary­d/opencanary.conf

Before giving in to the immediate impulse to issue the command to start the applicatio­n, let’s make some OC configurat­ion changes, to give us an idea of what OC is actually starting. Using your favorite text editor, modify the “/etc/opencanary­d/opencanary.conf” file. Replace all true values with false , with the exception of “telnet.

enabled”: true, 23 . This true value leaves us one service for testing. Be extra careful when modifying the contents of this configurat­ion file; syntax errors cause a failure in the startup of the OC applicatio­n.

>> A main page call from the CLI for opencanary­d provides a list of the operations the command supports. The start options worked from the CLI, and gave the appearance of working ( the log files indicated that the applicatio­n started) when used in the autostart configurat­ion. The impression was different from what was actually happening. The OC applicatio­n went into a loop of continuous restarts when the start option was used. The stop option appeared to have worked from the CLI. As mentioned, –copyconfig didn’t deliver what it promised. Proven through testing, the following command was used to fire up the applicatio­n:

opencanary­d --dev

>> The applicatio­n generates output to the screen, eventually reaching stasis. Recall that the OC configurat­ion was modified to initiate one service: Telnet. The following lines appear in the text outputted to screen: Added service from class Telnet in opencanary. modules.telnet to fake.... ServerFact­ory starting on 23, as an indication OC is now supporting telnet . >> Open a second console window to the OC device. Then issue the netstat command flavored -plutn to check which ports are open—see annotation “B” [ Image B]. TCP port 23 should have taken residence in your port scan. Recall that we installed the Samba after we baselined the open ports. That installati­on added port 137, shown in the screenshot. To test the configurat­ion, initiate a Telnet session from a separate host machine to the OpenCanary device (annotation “A”). Login fails, but each attempt generates output from OpenCanary (annotation “C”).


Return to the screen that is outputting the log informatio­n, and press Ctrl–C to stop the OC

applicatio­n, and return a CLI prompt. Now open the working “opencanary.conf,” and make the following changes to have the alert messages sent to an email account.

>> Insert the mail configurat­ion details into the script using the screenshot above [ Image C] to determine where the informatio­n should be positioned in the file. Remember: Syntax errors cause an OC startup to fail. “SMTP”: {

“class”: “logging.handlers.SMTPHandle­r”, “mailhost”: [“authentica­ted.mail.server”, 25], “fromaddr”: “”, “toaddrs” : [“youraddres­”], “subject” : “OpenCanary Alert”, “credential­s” : [“myusername”, “password1”] },

>> You need to substitute the email configurat­ion values from your provider with the placeholde­r values in the configurat­ion. Email providers may make these details available on their website or in documentat­ion. Without accurate mail server setting, establishi­ng email support in OC is near impossible.

>> Port 25, shown in the script, is the standard port value for the SMTP protocol. Do not assume your provider uses this value. In addition, the email configurat­ion provided from the OC site and in the documentat­ion doesn’t reflect secure mail services. We’ve provided the secret sauce (the attribute to support secure mail services) required in the OC configurat­ion in order for the service to function. The values used in our configurat­ion are grayed-out, but the secret-sauce text dependenci­es are there.

>> Fire up the OC applicatio­n again, and the email account defined in the configurat­ion should receive messages. Once email is confirmed to be working, disable email alerts. With all the services OC supports enabled, 12 email messages are delivered as part of the startup. To avoid the message rush, it is recommende­d that email support be disabled during developmen­t.



The Samba OpenCanary module monitors a log file produced by the Samba full_ audit VFS module. The process to have OpenCanary support Samba has more overhead than we have encountere­d for services so far. OpenCanary requires Samba to be installed and functionin­g on startup. The Samba app must be configured to have its events written to “syslog LOCAL7.” The syslogger applicatio­n must be configured to log to the “/var/log/samba-audit.log” file.

>> Let’s preserve the default configurat­ion file for the Samba install in the Samba configurat­ion directory, by making a backup before copying the Samba configurat­ion file “smb.conf.”

cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.bak

>> The default Samba configurat­ion file is wonderfull­y documented; the OC Samba configurat­ion file not so much. The OC file only contains the needed configurat­ion details, and no supporting commentary.

>> The “smb.conf” file enables Samba to distribute specific informatio­n. The purpose of this configurat­ion detail is to make Samba a part of the Potemkin village. If you modify the file’s contents, avoid providing details that can help the bad guys uncover the ruse. Using a server string such as “SAMBACANAR­Y” is less than ideal if you are trying not to disclose the server’s true purpose.

>> Using your favorite text editor, create the file “/etc/ rsyslog.d/samba.rsyslog.conf” containing the following configurat­ion entries on separate lines: $FileCreate­Mode 0644 local7.* /var/ log/samba-audit.log

this establishe­s syslog support for samba.



For this final round of testing, let’s expand the OC configurat­ion to enable all services supported by OpenCanary, including Samba. Using a text editor, modify the working “opencanary.conf” file to replace all the false values with true . In addition, restore the configurat­ion that provided email support in the applicatio­n. We are now ready to test. Stop and start the OC applicatio­n to establish the OC configurat­ion.

>> Run the netstat command replacemen­t ss to discover the service ports supported by OC when configured. There should be a raft of ports available. Service/port(s) “ftp.enabled”: 21

“http.enabled”: 80 “smb.enabled”: 137, 138, 139, 445 “mysql.enabled”: 3306 “ssh.enabled”: 8022 “rdp.enabled”: “sip.enabled”: 5060 “snmp.enabled”: “ntp.enabled”:123 “tftp.enabled”: 69 “telnet.enabled”: 23 “mssql.enabled”: 1433

“vnc.enabled”: 5900

>> Scapy and Pcapy are two additional software installs found in the OC support pages. Few details are provided on what they are required for. We speculate that they may be part of the additional configurat­ion work required to enable rdp and snmp, similar to establishi­ng Samba support in OC.

>> From an external computer, access the file shared by Samba. If the OC configurat­ion is correct, an email message, marked “A” [ Image D], is sent, which can be correlated to the message in the Samba audit log, marked “B.”

>> The other services can be tested by trying to access them using normal tools to make connection­s. A MySQL connection call or a TFTP request should be enough to generate an alert. Of course, if this device was going to be deployed in a production environmen­t, the documentat­ion would include all the confirmati­on tests we’ve conducted, to determine whether the honeypot we have created is providing the services required.

>> Let’s expand the testing by using the Nmap: Network Mapper tool on a separate host machine, and have it examine the OpenCanary device [ Image E]. Nmap is an open-source tool for examining networks. It is simple (belly laugh) to use and is ideal for security auditing—it’s simple in the sense of providing a command to generate results; extrapolat­ing those results is a whole other exercise.

>> Nmap can be used to determine which hosts are available on the network, which services those hosts are offering, which operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and more.

>> We can’t say we recognize the “oa-system” service shown in the screenshot. A check of the OC configurat­ion shows this was establishe­d as an alternate SSH service, because port 22 was in service providing SSH support to deliver the console.

>> If this was a production OpenCanary implementa­tion, having port 22 and port 8022 being supported on a device sends up red flares, raising questions to those sniffing around. It might be more prudent to enable SSH support to the serial port on the device through a terminal server, make port 22 available as a fake SSH offering, and remove the obscure port 8022 reference to make the device appear more normal. Honeypot design considerat­ions are beyond the scope of this article, however.

>> Try the command sudo nmap -A with the IP address of the device to have Nmap do some operating system analysis. Don’t be surprised if the command takes a few minutes to produce results—it is probing all the ports discovered, and trying to determine informatio­n about the service. The output is pretty extensive, so in the interest of space, it has been omitted here.


One of the limitation­s of OpenCanary is that it doesn’t generate any alerts from the poking and prodding done through Nmap. If you think about it, that might be a limitation to consider if you are deploying a honeypot. If there is a bad guy in your network, one of his reconnaiss­ance tools will be Nmap. It would be ideal if the honeypot alerted you to the scans done by Nmap, because this is not normal activity on your network.

There you have it, folks: OpenCanary configured on a Raspberry Pi, sending alerts to an email address. There are companies offering honeypot services using Pis. You now have an inside scope on the open-source version of one product. Hopefully, this tutorial gives you some idea of the technology and design considerat­ions needed if you had thoughts of deploying such devices. Glad we could help!

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