Mercury (Hobart) - Magazine



I was happiest when … I thought of an answer for all of these questions. You wouldn’t know it but … some of these questions are harder to answer than you’d think. My most embarrassi­ng moment … when I was a kid I did that thing where you superglue money to the ground and sit back and watch people try and pick it up. I didn’t realise I had some glue on my finger, I got an itchy eye and superglued my eye closed. The last time I cried was … about a month ago. The last book I read was… The Colour Correction Handbook by Alexis Van Hurkman. My favourite films are … not films, they are long-running narrative-driven TV drama series. The Wire and The Sopranos are the top two. really want to … have better answers for some of these questions. My guilty pleasure is … I don’t really feel guilty about little things in life like snacks or whatever. If I want an ice cream, I’ll eat it. Life has taught me … way too many things that will fit in the space allotted for this little Q & A. I’m about to … have an ice cream. My first job was … at McDonald’s. My most memorable work-related moment is … constantly getting on stage and making a room full of people laugh. What I enjoy most about my work is … the freedom of being on stage and performing standup comedy.

ISee Daniel Townes perform at Jokers Comedy Club (cnr New Town and Augusta roads, New Town) on Wednesday, September 18, at 8pm. Tickets are $23 pre-sale (plus booking fee) or $25 at the door. jokerscome­

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