Mercury (Hobart)

Stench claim MP booted out over land questions


A LAND acquisitio­n payment relating to the South Arm Highway dominated a Budget estimates hearing on infrastruc­ture yesterday, with the Greens alleging a “stench”.

The State Government paid $1.4 million including acquisitio­n of property and an exgratia payment in recognitio­n of “injurious effects” following a redesign of the South Arm Highway upgrade.

Greens MP Nick McKim was kicked out of the hearing for interjecti­ng as he questioned Infrastruc­ture Minister Rene Hidding.

Mr McKim wanted to know how much land was purchased, who it was purchased from, how much of the $1.4 million was an ex-gratia payment and what advice Cabinet got before agreeing to the payment.

He claimed there was a “stench” around the issue, made worse by the minister’s refusal to provide full details.

“I am asserting that Cabinet made this decision contrary to the advice of the Department of Treasury and Finance and contrary to the advice of at least one other government department,” Mr McKim said.

Mr Hidding would not reveal the level of detail Mr McKim was after, citing Cabinet confidenti­ality.

Mr Hidding said Cabinet received the proper advice and the process benefited taxpayers because the redesign of the highway upgrade had made the road much safer and saved the Government of $1.1 million.

“Nobody smells a stench here except you,” he told Mr McKim. “Nothing usual happened here. We delivered the right project and a saving.”

Also revealed during the hearing: A PROJECT team has been created in the Department of State Growth to progress the new Bridgewate­r Bridge project, expected to cost between $600 million and $800 million. MORE young Tasmanians are getting their drivers’ licence due to a streamline­d process and shorter waiting periods. ILLAWARRA Main Rd, which links the Bass and Midland highways, has been added to the National Land Transport Network by the Federal Government.

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