Mercury (Hobart)

North-West determined to shrug off slow starts


WOMEN’S Premier League hockey sides North-West Graduates and Canterbury return for the sequel to their stunning goal thriller in round one, when they meet at 1pm today.

The Lions caught Graduates napping with two quick goals, before Graduates rallied on the back of braces to Ellie Brennan and Brigit Ikin to win that match 5-3.

Graduates midfielder Michelle Cooling will miss the rematch as she is still suffering the effects of concussion but hopes her side have learned from that slow start.

“Canterbury got off to a really good start, caught us off guard and we were down 2-0 in the first five minutes,” Cooling recalled.

“We can’t let that happen again and it’s been a focus of late to really drive momentum in the warm-up and start well.”

“The fact we were able to remain composed and claw our way back in the other 65 minutes and win by two goals in the end was a good result.”

Ikin returns in a big boost for Graduates, while Canterbury coach Col Pearce hopes regaining Christie Lucas helps his side’s consistenc­y.

“Last match Grads had difficulty getting the ball out of defence but unfortunat­ely we could not sustain the pressure for 70 minutes and they took control,” Pearce said.

“This should be another quality encounter with plenty of opportunit­ies for both teams and the team that finishes their chances better will win.”

OHA and Derwent have both been struck down with player losses despite their 2:30pm match being crucial to the make-up of the ladder.

Ash Robertson, Jess Taylor, Miranda Grant, Maddison poke and Sarah Fahey are all missing for the Strikers.

OHA will be without goalkeeper Alyssa Marmion, Georgie Carter, Jean Flanagan and Laura Spandler.

The Strikers shocked the Ships 2-0 with goals to Jess Taylor and Claire Saltmarsh adding further intrigue to today’s match.

DiamondBac­ks have selected Isabel Goldsmith and Nicole Geeves but have resisted the temptation to rush English import Maddy Newlyn into their Premier League side for their 4pm game against University.

Sarah Pugsley and Kate McKernan return for Uni while Jackie Ross will deputise in goal for Megan Howard.

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