Mercury (Hobart)

Empowering and energising today’s leaders


THE Tasmanian Leaders Program is inspiring ideas and enriching careers across the breadth of Tasmania’s industries and sectors.

Over the program’s proud 10-year history, one of the state’s largest employers, Hydro Tasmania, given five staff the opportunit­y to undertake the high impact program.

As Australia’s largest producer of clean renewable energy, Hydro Tasmania is at the forefront of one of the world’s most dynamic and evolving industries.

The business has powered Tasmania for more than a century, helping to grow and support communitie­s and the economy. It manages 55 major dams, 30 hydropower stations and two major wind farms and employs more than 1100 people, mostly in Tasmania.

Hydro Tasmania is currently working to help make Tasmania the ‘Battery of the Nation’, by innovating to increase the state’s clean energy contributi­on over time.

Hydro Tasmania’s Chief Executive Officer Steve Davy, said the Tasmanian Leaders Program has been immensely valuable to the business.

“In an industry as competitiv­e and evolving as ours, we can’t afford to stand still,” Mr Davy said.

“We need brave and confident leaders who can drive innovation, problem-solve under pressure, and see both the bigger picture while having a strong eye for detail.

“We want to empower our leaders, and indeed, all of our people, to deliver on our cultural pillars of caring, innovating, collaborat­ing and achieving.

“The skills and experience offered by the Tasmanian Leaders Program certainly helps.

“We aim to be two things – cham- pions of clean energy, and champions for Tasmania. So we’re really happy and proud to be involved in the TLP,” he said.

Hydro Tasmania’s Manager of Environmen­t and Engagement, Donna Brown, graduated from last year’s program.

“The Tasmanian Leaders Program experience came just at the right time for me,” Ms Brown said.

“I was at a mid-career point where I was ready to step up and take on new challenges.

“The program has opened my eyes to various issues and opportunit­ies in Tasmania and galvanised my commitment to the state and its future.”

Ms Brown said participat­ing in the program had given her a broader and more strategic perspectiv­e on Tasmania’s developmen­t challenges.

“After being involved with the program, I am re-energised and ready to take on new challenges and am looking forward to offering a broader contributi­on to the state,” she said.

“Hydro Tasmania has given me great support to join this program and already the organisati­on is reaping the benefits,” she said.

Hydro Tasmania’s Major Works Manager Brad Turner said he’d recommend the Tasmanian Leaders Program to friends and colleagues.

“I cannot think of a more unique, yet relevant leadership developmen­t opportunit­y than the Tasmanian Leaders,” Mr Turner said.

“Post TLP, I will go about life, both profession­ally and personally, with a greater self-awareness. I feel much better equipped to challenge my own thinking, be more open-minded and less judgmental!,” he said.

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