Mercury (Hobart)

Collins chimes in on airport


FRANKLIN MP Julie Collins has written to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull expressing concern about the absence of a permanent Australian Federal Police presence at Hobart Internatio­nal Airport.

Separately yesterday, police in Melbourne locked down a street near Tullamarin­e Airport because a suspicious device was found nearby.

A review of security at all regional airports has begun.

“In 2014, your Government cut resources for the AFP at Hobart Airport in the Federal Budget, forcing the AFP to withdraw 27 police officers from Hobart Airport, as well as drug detection dogs,” Ms Collins wrote.

“Hobart Airport is now the only airport in a capital city without an AFP presence and Tasmania has been left with only five AFP officers.

“The Australian Federal Police Associatio­n, the Police Associatio­n of Tasmania, the Tasmanian Labor Opposition, the Tasmanian Liberal Government and even a member of your own party room have all criticised your decision to abandon Hobart Airport.”

She said Labor had repeatedly asked the Government to justify the decision but had received no meaningful response.

“Tasmanians have the same right as any other Australian to feel safe and secure,” she said.

“We urge you to reconsider your decision to abandon Tasmania or immediatel­y justify why you believe Hobart Airport does not deserve a permanent AFP presence.”

On his most recent trip to Tasmania, Mr Turnbull said: “It’s vitally important that our security resources are allocated in accordance with risk. The threat assessment in respect of Hobart airport had been done some years ago and it remained the same that it did not warrant AFP at the airport from a threat point of view.”

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