Mercury (Hobart)

Soak up supermarke­t sunshine

- Mick Leppard Invermay Rod Force Sandy Bay Jeff Kevin Kingston Beach Peter Jones Lenah Valley Sue Carlyon Kingston

I CANNOT believe that some people agree about supermarke­t checkout operators (Letters, August 27). They are being friendly and polite, the critics should try the same thing, it might make them feel better. I am also retired and my wife and I enjoy talking to people at the supermarke­t and everywhere else we might go while we are out. Imagine going anywhere and you get back home and no one has spoken to you, wouldn’t that be a sad and lonely existence? Next time someone asks you if you have anything planned, you might say: “I was going to reply to that fool from Invermay but, of course, he is right. It would be very lonely and sad”.

Speaking out

IF same-sex marriage becomes law, does that mean that any dissenting opinion automatica­lly becomes against the law? Are we seriously considerin­g punishing language that isn’t politicall­y correct now? Is that the sort of Australia you want to live in?

Advertisin­g woes

THE Coalition for Marriage has released its first national television advertisem­ent. It deliberate­ly conflates issues that have nothing to do with the proposed question on marriage equality. It appears to be based on hearsay, without any supporting facts. The Coalition for Marriage obviously intends to sway opinion with a malicious, deceptive and incorrect campaign. we will have a flag that excludes the Union Jack once we can agree on a new design, much as Canada has done. Senator Abetz will doubtless lead the charge against all of this but he has always represente­d our dark past, and history will march on regardless of his antiquated views. herein lies a brick wall to progress, when politician­s have no belief in God or an understand­ing of their accountabi­lity before God, and fail to understand the role the church has in instructin­g individual­s about the spiritual aspect of life that nurtures healthy, happy relationsh­ips and promotes honesty and integrity. History has proven that too many churches have also contribute­d to the mess society is in. Spiritual enlightenm­ent is the antidote to the darkness in Tasmania and it’s time this was understood, because only this will stop murders, criminal behaviour, suicide, domestic violence and other destructiv­e human behaviour.

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