Mercury (Hobart)

Battling Bulls make Penguins earn their victory


THE Taroona Penguins, undefeated this season, were made to fight hard for their Tasmanian Rugby Union qualifying final win against Devonport Bulls on Saturday.

The wind was blowing at Rugby Park and the Penguins were running with it in the first half. Had it not been for a couple of long-range, counteratt­acking tries to the Taroona wingers, the Bulls would have had just reward for the possession and territory they earned.

The Bulls’ forwards were simply retaining the ball better and once the second half began and the wind was in Devonport’s favour, that continuity put enormous pressure on the Penguins.

Mark Meo looked motivated at fly half and an upset was in the making.

Two tries bought the game to a 24-22 scoreline for much of the second half. Devonport had two penalty attempts to hit the lead but missed both shots.

In one of the last plays of the day, Taroona cleared from its own 22, only for the ball to swirl in the breeze, take three bounces on the ground and find the hands of a flying Tomas Marlow. It was game over to Taroona, 31-22. Best for the Penguins were Andrew Wicks and Jake Harris.

In the eliminatio­n final, a close tussle was expected between the Hobart Harlequins and the Hobart Hutchins Lions. But it was Harlequins who started the stronger, running in early tries.

Hutchins was not helped with the loss of Sammy Lopa to a calf injury early on and the Lions’ set piece suffered.

The match was entertaini­ng, though defence was lacklustre and Harlequins emerged 50-29 victors. For the Lions, one of the finds of the season, Reed Alexander, was their best.

In the Division 2 grand final, the Eastern Suburbs Roosters beat University 29-18.

This week, Harlequins will need to improve to beat Devonport at home. The Bulls are playing an exciting brand of rugby and the backline tussle will be one to look forward to with talent on both sides.

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