Mercury (Hobart)

Croome calls for calm


LONG-TIME marriage equality advocate Rodney Croome has condemned attacks against people publicly expressing their support or not of same-sex marriage.

“In recent days a Burnie cafe has suffered arson threats because of its support for marriage equality while a Canberra woman has been sacked from her job by supporting the No case,” Mr Croome told the Mercury yesterday.

The Fair Work Ombudsman has said it will investigat­e the dismissal of a contractor to a Canberra children’s party entertainm­ent business, after she expressed her support for a No vote in the postal survey, to see whether workplace laws had been breached.

“This is a debate about fairness, tolerance and equality, and there is no place for threats or discrimina­tion,” Mr Croome said. “No-one should be threatened, discrimina­ted against, silenced or in any way disadvanta­ged because they hold a view one way or the other. Remember that when this is over we will still have to live together side-by-side.

“Anyone who experience­s threats should report them to the police, and anyone who experience­s discrimina­tion should report it to their antidiscri­mination commission.”

Mr Croome said he had full confidence that Tasmania Police would act promptly and fairly on any report of threats or violence. “I’m also confident that Tasmania’s Anti-Discrimina­tion Act will help deter discrimina­tion on the grounds of political activity, religious belief and sexual orientatio­n.”

Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive Michael Bailey said he had heard no reports of any poor workplace behaviour.


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