Mercury (Hobart)


- Tim Lesser Margate X. Lim Kingston Colin Corney Beaumaris Eva Cripps Mountain River

SO Tassal has concerns about a possible accident caused by a potential drone mechanical failure. What about if travelling from north to south 1.5km seaward of Macquarie Harbour and your outboards smash into what you fear is a whale, but no, it’s a massive chunk of semi-submerged disregarde­d fish pen. If I’ve only done this trip once in 35 years, was I very unlucky or how much other debris has been jettisoned though Hells Gates?

Painful existence

WITH the approval of Okehampton Bay fish farms, this coastal area will be blighted by ugly large cages. Over 800,000 fish will experience suffering like land animals in factory farms. The health of fish can suffer A new way to have your say readers have a new way to have their say. It’s free to use, just register and have your say. For more details and to register, visit the website.

Wild lobsters

I STRONGLY believe lobsters should be protected and not grown on a commercial scale for consumptio­n by the rest of the world. I believe more money should be going into research for freshwater lobsters to keep them in our waters naturally. We should be protecting them for the future. If wild lobsters become endangered or get wiped out, all we’d have left would be lobsters in tanks, on land, with no idea how to survive in the wild, their only purpose being for us to eat. And how long does it take us to eat them versus the time to grow them? I believe it’s not worth it. It’s a good thing we haven’t been able to farm them because by about now they would have been severely affected. The demand is going to be great, and when they become available the market will skyrocket. It will lead to illegal poaching. These poachers won’t have respect for the species or environmen­t. Do we really want this?

Well said

I URGE you all to read Greg Barns’ Talking Point ( Mercury, September 18), “TasWater a pawn in political game”. It is the truest thing I have read about this whole sorry saga and I hope every MLC and Peter Gutwein read it too.

Not all family

MANY of those who support tradition advocate that marriage is about family. The majority of us do not want to marry our cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces or nephews (currently legal in Australia). We would prefer to choose someone we are not related to for a life partner. If members of the same family can marry, it makes sense to extend that right to unrelated lovers. Vote Yes for marriage equality.

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