Mercury (Hobart)

Marriage choice at heart of matter


KERRIE Bylett and Tania Winzenberg like doing things the traditiona­l way.

The engaged South Hobart couple plan to marry as soon as legislatio­n makes it possible.

But preparatio­ns have been well under way since Ms Winzenberg popped the question with flowers and music at home two years ago.

“A wedding dress has been held in the shop for us,” Ms Bylett, 38, said.

“We’ve left it there until the time came when we could get married in our own country and for it to recognised.”

The couple have already had rings made and will now begin looking at venues and making firmer plans for a wedding day. They were among hundreds celebratin­g the announceme­nt of the “yes” vote’s success at a Hobart pub yesterday.

“We’ve made plans and we’ll be ready to go as soon as we can,” Ms Winzenberg, 51, said.

“A lot depends still on Canberra and the timing of that. But I imagine that after things hopefully are sorted out and settled and we can do it, it won’t be long.”

Ms Bylett said the “yes” result was about having a choice about marriage.

“That’s the most important thing about it,” she said.

“Regardless of whether one wants to get married or not, we still have the autonomy to decide whether we can.”

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