Mercury (Hobart)

‘Mobart’ fireys join the fight


THEY deal with traumatic emergency situations daily, so it makes sense the Tasmania Fire Service is getting behind Movember this year.

The Hobart Fire Brigade launched its Mo Bros Movember campaign yesterday — and dubbed itself the Mobart Fire Brigade.

During Movember, the station’s fire engines will sport giant moustaches, and about 25 firefighte­rs will grow facial hair in a bid to raise money for the Movember Foundation.

Movember targets men’s health issues from mental health through to testicular and prostate cancer.

Hobart firefighte­r David Mulcahy said his fellow fireys were a perfect fit for the cause.

“As emergency services we’re dealing with traumatic and confrontin­g situations on a daily basis and really that can take a toll on someone’s mental health,” he said.

“For us to be aware and start raising awareness and getting people talking about mental health is what we want to see out of Movember.”

However, Mr Mulcahy said not all of the brigade’s moustaches were up to scratch.

“Some aren’t quite as good but that’s half the point ... the worse they look the more people start talking really,” he said.

Mobart Mo Bros team captain Tom Windsor said a moustache on a face or on a fire truck would all help to start a conversati­on about men’s health.

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