Mercury (Hobart)

Roos admit past wrongs in flag chase


CLARENCE’S unfulf i l l e d quests for premiershi­ps in recent years has seen it take its eye off player developmen­t but that is about to change, says playing-coach Jeromey Webberley.

The Roos finished with the double chance last season only to go out in straight sets following defeats to Lauderdale and Launceston.

Despite being around the mark for years, the Roos have not won the TSL flag since 2010.

While their Mercury Cup side has played in the past five grand finals for four premiershi­ps, Webberley admits they have actively recruited experience­d top-end talent in pursuit of a flag rather than developing those from below.

“We probably haven’t developed those players because we have been close to success, we’ve chased it a little bit,” Webberley said.

“When you are close and you don’t quite reach it, your developmen­t process isn’t as strong.”

He said North Launceston went down the developmen­t phase a few years ago under then coach Zane Littlejohn and have enjoyed the spoils, winning three of the past four flags.

“He made the right decision and got the job done at the end of the day,” he said.

“We thought we were in a position to win a couple of premiershi­ps, we chased them and didn’t quite get there and now people are going to say you didn’t develop your players.

“You are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

“We have probably been a little bit guilty of that, but there will be developmen­t opportunit­ies for players this year that’s for sure.”

With the loss of the likes of Ian Callinan, Sam Siggins, Michael Fisher and Jack Gleeson, it will be a different looking Roos outfit for 2018.

“Obviously everyone’s expectatio­ns are to win the premiershi­p,” Webberley said.

“We probably have lost a number of talented players, we’ve brought in talented players, but our age demographi­c has changed a fair bit as well.

“We are young, our depth isn’t as strong or as mature.

“We are putting no ceiling on it, we want to win a premiershi­p but it is more about putting those blocks in place to achieve that.”

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