Mercury (Hobart)

Find it in our hearts at Easter


- Ian Beecroft Glenorchy Christophe­r C. Garity Howrah Brad Rogers Lindisfarn­e Anthony Mularczyk North Hobart John Aitchison Glenorchy Gary Gillies Geilston Bay Tony Geeves Rosetta Bob Holderness-Roddam Austins Ferry

IT would appear that the civilised world has come to an end since we have found our cricketers to be nothing more than sinners, this is especially poignantly so in this Easter week. How different they are from the rest of us, for they actually are in need of salvation, so unlike us! I wonder if we can possibly find it within our hearts to forgive them, as I seem to recall something about forgivenes­s underpinni­ng Jesus’s death and resurrecti­on. when, after the shame has been well and truly meted out, that maybe some little mercy and compassion should be shown towards the culprits: before they fall in to a big black hole. We all make mistakes in life and usually pay the price for them. I am sure that Smith, Warner and Bancroft will suffer greatly for their actions here, but somewhere down the line will talk with their bats again. They are not axe murderers or child molesters. cricketers of which there are a multitude. However, remember this, they are not violent criminals, they have not rorted a state during an election campaign, have not threatened a nuclear war with reckless rocket launches or murdered ex-diplomats in Europe. Let us all take a deep breath. We will accept Cricket Australia’s punishment­s no matter the penalty, then I hope we get behind these cricketers and support their rehabilita­tion back into the game if need be without hysteria. We are and always have been a forgiving nation, especially in regard to our sports stars. I hope not only will the three culprits learn a valuable lesson the ramificati­ons of their actions resonate with all levels of society and nothing happens like this again among our beloved local, state and national sporting teams and bodies.

Discipline problem

NOT making excuses for Australian cricket actions but the ICC should also shoulder some of the blame. The fast bowler Rabada had been suspended from the third Test for his constant past behaviour. All around, both teams’ discipline and behaviour has been abysmal. He should not have been reinstated and allowed to play. I feel this overruling of esteemed umpire Jeff Crowe’s suspension has in a way led to this bizarre behaviour by the Australian captain, vice-captain and even the coach. Let’s see what ends up coming out of the inquiry. Probably nothing other than more finger pointing and the game continues in its present bad condition.

Aboriginal values

IT is about time Aboriginal heritage values in relation to kunanyi/Mt Wellington were taken into considerat­ion. Kunanyi is sacred and we have profound mountain beauty on our lovely doorsteps.

Collingwoo­d and cricket

AS if life is not difficult enough being a Collingwoo­d supporter, now I have the cricket to worry about.

Total cleansing

WE need to be ever so watchful and voiceful that CA don’t let its integrity slip to FIFA’s level. Nothing short of a total cleansing will suffice.

The other captain

WE now wait for the next so-called captain of Australia doing the right thing and resigning after the next Newspoll or being sent packing.

Trump and china

DONALD Trump — the bull in the China shop!

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