Mercury (Hobart)

Warnings as wild weather hits


TASMANIA’S wild weather will continue today with damaging winds expected to lash much of the state after snow blanketed some higher peaks yesterday.

Mum of three Alison Thomas headed to The Springs at kunanyi/Mt Wellington with her family to enjoy the autumn snow.

The cold conditions didn’t stop her one-year-old son Henry from playing in fresh snow for the first time.

“It’s was first time seeing snow,” Ms Thomas said. “He absolutely loved it, he didn’t seem too worried by the cold at all.”

Mountain snow in Hobart was recorded above 700 metres with the temperatur­e dropping to 0.6C on Saturday night and climbing to a mere 6C during the day.

Tasmania Police put out a community alert advising motorists to drive with caution.

However, wild winds will replace freezing temperatur­es, with senior forecaster Luke Johnston saying we are unlikely to see any more fresh snow this week. A cold front moved through and the coldest air arrived late Saturday and things just kept getting cooler until sunrise on Sunday morning,” he said.

“We’re not likely to see any more snow this week, however it’s not unusual to see snow in autumn as it’s a transition season.”

A vigorous cold front will cross Tasmania this morning, with most of the state being warned to prepare for west to southweste­rly wind of 60km/ h to 110km/h. Peak gusts may even reach 120km/h in the south and Central Plateau.

Winds are expected to ease slightly later but will remain fresh and gusty.

Locations that may be hit include Devonport, Hobart, St Helens, Bicheno, Queenstown and New Norfolk.

Conditions should improve later this week with mostly mild temperatur­es and sunny days expected from Wednesday to Sunday.

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