Mercury (Hobart)

Department bunch of donkeys

- Danny Pross Brighton Jason Turvey Kingston Rob Hill Howrah

IT is such a shame that the school farm is going to close so that the Education Department can build a high school that is not needed. There is a perfectly good high school in Jordan River Learning Federation in Bridgewate­r. The school farm is a valuable resource for the local schools and future children are going to miss out. And why are they building a high school in Brighton, it will be a public school, so the parents of Brighton will still continue to send their children to private schools instead of the local public high school. It will just widen the social gap between Bridgewate­r/Gagebrook and Brighton.

TFGA conscience

WHETHER the live export of sheep from Tasmania to overseas locations occurs is not clear to the public, but many thousands (hundreds of thousands?) of Tasmanian sheep are exported across the notorious Bass Strait by boat every year.

The TFGA spokesman claims that Tasmanian sheep haven’t been sent overseas for “many years” ( Mercury, April 10). This is not to say that internatio­nal live export of Tasmanian animals doesn’t occur. A quick Google search finds that Roberts are advertisin­g for Tasmanian Friesian and Angus heifers to send live to China this month. There is no reason to expect live export conditions are any better for cows than for sheep. So let’s have the truth TFGA, how many animals from Tasmania are being exported across Bass Strait to join overseas shipments?

How can farmers constantly turn a blind eye to the horror of live export that has been exposed in the media again and again over the years? TFGA and members, it is high time your conscience took precedence over your bank balance. vironments. There appears to be such a poor understand­ing of the mountain by the proponent. This is just another reason why just because something works in one part of the world, it shouldn’t happen in Tasmania. Tasmania is different and different is what we do best. servationi­sts, the forest wars having seemingly ended. A nice way to distract the punters from real problems like health care, education, traffic jams and housing.

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