Mercury (Hobart)

Israeli-style apartheid and oppression must be challenged

Greg Barns says the killing of Palestinia­n protesters is just the latest injustice from racist Israel


IT is a measure of the insidious influence Israel has on Australian society that when approached recently to work with a group advocating for Palestinia­ns, an academic in an Australian university declined, citing the need to maintain “balance”.

If that academic had been asked to support advocacy for black South Africans when the apartheid regime ran that nation, he would not have hesitated to do the right thing because it was the case that Australia as a society resolutely opposed the odious white regime that excluded all non-whites from participat­ing fully in society for generation­s.

So how is it the universiti­es, media and political class of Australia fear offending, and even actively support, a nation that is running its own form of apartheid, and which in recent weeks and days has used grossly disproport­ionate force against Palestinia­ns who have been demonstrat­ing on the Gaza Strip? Where is our concern for Palestinia­ns getting a “fair go”?

Over the past few weeks Palestinia­ns have been protesting on the impoverish­ed Gaza Strip about the expropriat­ion of their lands by Israel. Some protesters have used homemade rockets, burning tyres and other primitive weapons as they stepped into the no man’s land on the border. The vast majority of protesters have been peaceful. But Israel has used lethal force and killed about 30, and wounded over 1000. Images of protesters, unarmed, being shot in the back, and the killing of a journalist wearing clearly marked clothing saying “Press” have been seen around the globe. Even the pro-Israel New York Times in its editorial of April 11 observed, “Israel has a right to defend its border, but in the face of unarmed civilians it could do so with nonlethal tactics common to law enforcemen­t, such as the use of high-powered fire hoses.”

The disproport­ionate use of force has been condemned by United Nations Commission­er for Human Rights Liz Throssell. Ms Throssell’s statement noted “indication­s that the individual­s killed or wounded were unarmed or did not pose a serious threat to well-protected security forces — and in some cases were actually running away from the fence.”

Naturally, holding Israel accountabl­e for its inhumanity through a UN inquiry has been blocked by the US, and pathetic Little Washington, aka Canberra, has not said boo.

Israel is a deeply flawed society, led by a thug in Benjamin Netanyahu. Palestinia­ns are second-class citizens because the reality is Israel is an apartheid state.

Last year in a report prepared for a UN agency, two of the world’s leading scholars on Israel and humans rights, Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley concluded that Israel practises apartheid against Palestinia­ns.

In Israel there are 1.7 million Palestinia­ns, 20 per cent of the overall population. But as Professor Falk says, while they “are allowed to form political parties and vote in elections”, this group “is prohibited by law from challengin­g the proclaimed

Jewish character of the state and is subject to a wide range of discrimina­tory nationalit­y laws as well as administra­tive practices that severely restrict their rights, with effects on land acquisitio­n, property, immigratio­n, family reunificat­ion, and marital freedom.”

Australian­s should be deeply concerned that the response from Israel and its supporters like the US was to vilify professors Falk and Tilley, and to harass the UN to remove the report from its website. This is a typical tactics of the apartheid state that is Israel.

But at least Israel is a democracy, say its craven supporters. Really? Not if you are a Palestinia­n. And in any event what the next generation of Israeli politician­s believe in is the domination of Palestinia­ns and whatever violence is needed to ensure this takes place. Glenn Greenwald, the founder of the excellent independen­t media site The Intercept, said last week that the “younger generation of Israeli leaders think that Netanyahu is too moderate, that he’s too centrist, that he’s too soft on the Palestinia­ns. They don’t believe in a Palestinia­n state. They don’t pretend to support the twostate solution. They want to dominate that land forever. They believe they’re religiousl­y entitled to it. They want to — basically, they believe in apartheid, a policy of apartheid, forever suppressin­g what is soon to be the majority, the Palestinia­ns, ruled by a minority of Israelis, using whatever war crimes and slaughter and murder they need to in order to suppress and intimidate that population,” Greenwald said in an interview.

Australian­s were happy to boycott South African sporting tours, products and cultural links until that nation released Nelson Mandela in 1990. So let’s get serious about pressuring Israel. The Boycott, Divestment­s and Sanctions movement is a brave global effort to force Israel into complying with internatio­nal law and stop oppressing the Palestinia­n people.

Naturally, the Israel lobby labels its supporters antiSemiti­c. But if you care about “a fair go”, then join it. Greg Barns is a human rights lawyer who has advised state and federal Liberal government­s.

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