Mercury (Hobart)

Snow wonder they love it


THE Sayer family was preparing for the worst when they arrived at Dove Lake.

The picturesqu­e lake at the foot of Cradle Mountain in Tasmania’s North-West was adorned with clouds hiding the majestic mountain from view.

“When we got there it was fairly overcast and we prepped the kids that we might not be able to see Cradle Mountain,” Megan Sayer said.

But she needn’t have worried because the clouds soon cleared and the snowcapped mountain made a dramatic appearance. “It was beautiful,” she said. “Seeing the snow-capped mountain so clearly was a highlight for sure.”

It made the four-hour trip worthwhile, as did the abundance of snow still on the ground.

“We had snow fights and had snow down our backs,” Megan said. “It really was a winter wonderland.”

Cradle Mountain Lodge revenue manager Melissa Mair said patrons staying at the lodge at the weekend woke up on Sunday morning to find snow at least 10cm deep.

“We had a wedding on the Saturday and it was great for the couple to wake up with the snow,” she said.

“The snow has mostly melted away but I can still see some half-built snowmen.”

Mrs Mair said photos of the snowfall at Cradle Mountain posted on social media were fantastic free promotion for the popular wilderness attraction.

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