Mercury (Hobart)

Guts to speak up

- Michael Hodgson Sandy Bay TAKING OFF: To a wonderful place called progress.

Unite for once

THE government of the day governs as best it can and uses spin as much as it can to protect its back. The opposition of the day opposes as hard as it can without offering constructi­ve suggestion­s. That is the nature of Australian politics these days and we all suffer.

The Royal Hobart Hospital which is vital to the health of all Tasmanians provides a great standard of care. The current rebuild of the Royal Hobart Hospital is creating significan­t problems for the safe delivery of healthcare to all Tasmanians.

The nurses, doctors, allied healthcare profession­als and all support staff whether orderlies, cleaners and kitchen staff do their best in difficult circumstan­ces. Couldn’t, for once in their lives, the Government and the Opposition unite to achieve this rebuild safely, quickly and at the least possible cost. It happens during wars, as this seems to be. This will fall on deaf ears and nothing will happen and the present fiasco will continue. I will be regarded as stupid and naive in suggesting this but I shouldn’t. WHILE I commend Minister Ferguson for finally giving Dr Frank O’Keeffe an audience regarding the critical shortage of beds at the Royal Hobart Hospital, it’s a pity it only came about because Dr O’Keeffe had the guts to speak up and shame the minister (effectivel­y his employer) into action. I’d be very surprised if Monday’s press conference was the first time such a senior clinician had aired concerns about the shambolic mess at the RHH. (Tasweekend, August 25). Charles was critical of use of the pronouns “they and them” as the default, remarking on the small number of people this may apply to.

My response to you Charles is that numbers are irrelevant and it isn’t about you. Although as a cisgendere­d woman this is not my experience and I would welcome clarificat­ion, I think the issue is about respecting people’s right to identify in whatever way is meaningful to her/him/ them.

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