Mercury (Hobart)

Dutton doubts to reignite PM crisis


PRIME Minister Scott Morrison faces a crisis vote next week, with two more Liberal MPs threatenin­g to join Julie Bishop in a backbench rebellion that could force Peter Dutton to face the High Court.

If Mr Dutton was found ineligible to sit in Parliament by the High Court, it could bring down the Government.

The two MPs have told News Corp they are considerin­g voting with Labor to force the High Court to rule on the issue. “He should do the right thing and refer himself,” one said.

If the two MPs were to join former foreign affairs minister Ms Bishop in voting to refer Mr Dutton to the High Court, Labor would have the numbers on the floor of the House of Representa­tives with the support of four crossbench­ers.

Ms Bishop said there was “need for clarity” on the issue.

The former deputy’s interventi­on came after former PM Malcolm Turnbull tweeted from New York that he had advised the new PM to send Mr Dutton to the court based on advice from the Commonweal­th Solicitor-General.

It is understood the rebels plan to use the threat of crossing the floor to force the PM to refer Mr Dutton to the High Court to avoid the Government being defeated on the floor of the House of Representa­tives.

Last month a Labor-sponsored move to refer Mr Dutton was defeated by one vote.

Labor is expected to revisit the issue next week with a greater chance of success because the Government is one member down since Mr Turnbull resigned last Friday.

Mr Dutton’s eligibilit­y to sit in Parliament is in question because of his family’s ownership of two childcare centres that have a financial relationsh­ip with the Commonweal­th.

Mr Morrison said: “I obviously have a lot of respect for the former prime minister, but as the Prime Minister now, I will make the decisions I believe are in the best interests of the nation.”

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