Mercury (Hobart)

Cup sprouts in the carrot patch


GLENORCHY players were encouraged by their coach to chase the “carrot” of a TSLW premiershi­p, and it seems at least some Magpies took that message to heart.

Several Glenorchy players dressed as the vegetable yesterday as part of their celebratio­n of the team’s twopoint win over Clarence in the grand final on Saturday.

“I spoke about two months ago about the fact that there’s a carrot there if you want it. The carrot was the premiershi­p cup,” coach Craig Grace said.

“It grew from a comment off-the-cuff to a bit of team thing.

“The girls were pulling out carrots left, right and centre.”

The celebratio­ns were in full swing at KGV yesterday, with the players re-watching the match and conducting their best and fairest count, but captain Nietta Lynch said they will ramp up another notch today.

“The big day for us is [today], we have a full-on mad Monday planned here,” Lynch said.

She said the win was still sinking in.

“There’s been moments, for myself there’s been little waves,” she said.

“When I look back through the photos and when I saw the vision again, it was just a realisatio­n, but it felt like a dream really to tell you the truth.”

Grace said his players deserved to let their hair down after a long season culminatin­g in Saturday’s win.

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