Mercury (Hobart)




EUROPE has many “short, fat” cities ( Mercury, October 16) and they are beautiful and liveable. Peggy James Howden

Dwindling churchgoer­s

WITH the Anglican churches sold off there will be no cemeteries to be buried in. With all that has been published about the Anglican Church it is little wonder the congregati­ons have dwindled considerab­ly. With the churches sold off there may be a resurgence of parishione­rs in other faiths. They say Buddhism is flourishin­g. Stewart Edwards Mount Stuart

Gardening averse

INTERESTIN­G reading regarding good and ordinary lawns ( Mercury, October 16), It’s very obvious the authors of the report don’t like gardening and can’t be bothered mowing their lawn and using the environmen­t as an excuse (wish I had thought of it). I have some green paint in my shed if the authors want to come and stick their thumb in it. Martin Watkins Claremont

Tick one

FEDERAL Liberal Party political aptitude test: Which is the most abhorrent statement — “It’s OK to be white” or “It’s OK not to be in government” (“Support for racist motion ‘regrettabl­e’”, Mercury, October 17). Stephen Jeffery Sandy Bay

Last Monday the best

COLIN Corney is spot on about making the last Monday in January the day we celebrate Australia Day (Letters, October 16). I’ve been saying this for years and it’s time all politician­s woke up to themselves and reinstated this holiday which will also bring families of all persuasion­s together. Jon Aufderheid­e Howrah

Don’t have to be Green

MR Hodgman needs to understand that it’s not just the Greens who are ‘’ideologica­lly opposed to sensitive tourism developmen­t in wilderness areas’’. Helicopter­s and permanent structures in wilderness areas are not sensitive developmen­t. One doesn’t have to be a Green to realise that. They’re not listening. Yvonne Stark Battery Point

Too many cooks

THE DarkLab creative director laments the latest plan for Mac Point as terrible. Reminds me of the old adage, a camel is a horse designed by a committee. Joseph Vagunda Taroona


TASMANIA has too many councils. Ask people who are standing for election what their intentions are regarding amalgamati­ons then vote accordingl­y. Peter Barnes West Moonah

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