Mercury (Hobart)

Cops call in riot squad for schoolies


SCHOOLIES celebratio­ns descended into mayhem on the Mornington Peninsula on Saturday night as Victoria Police’s riot squad was called in after bottles were thrown at officers.

Members of the Public Order Response Team came equipped with shields and batons to quell trouble on the Rye foreshore after officers were targeted by a large group of youths.

The trouble began when a bottle was thrown at a police unit which had arrived at the scene about 9.30pm.

Another police vehicle arrived shortly after before officers decided they needed backup and called in the PORT.

Police believe around 150 youths were involved in the incident.

A police helicopter and the dog squad were also called in to help contain the chaos.

Video emerged online youths setting off flares.

No arrests had been made last night, with police struggling to identify which youths threw the bottles.

Acting Inspector Dean Grande praised the response of the officers and denied police had been heavy-handed.

“One police unit has arrived and someone has thrown a bottle at them,” he said. “A second police unit was called and they have retreated and called on the PORT for assistance.

“At the end of the day nobody was injured and the crowd was dispersed.” of

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