Mercury (Hobart)

Best money lessons for kids

Arm your children with the finest tools so they can build a prosperous future


ONCE again there seems to be big push for financial literacy to be introduced into an already intense education program at schools.

While we totally agree with the sentiment, we think the major responsibi­lity for passing on good money skills to children is with parents.

Just as good manners and healthy eating habits can be reinforced or enhanced at school, their developmen­t has to start at home. It can be one of the most important life skills to pass on to a child.

It’s not that difficult when you think it through and there are some terrific tools available on the market.

We’ve come across a couple of great new tools to help your kids on their journey to understand­ing money. SPRIGGY ( Forget the old-fashioned piggy bank, Spriggy is the tech-savvy alternativ­e for children.

It’s an app you and your child download together and then a prepaid Visa card is sent (for kids aged eight to 17) to be used for transactio­ns.

Pocket money is then loaded onto the debit card for use by the child BUT the parent has full live transparen­cy on how the money is used.

Together with your child you set goals, limits and restrictio­ns on where the money can be spent.

In a world increasing­ly online-focused, it’s a terrific educationa­l tool.

The cost is $30 a year for each child. MONEY SAVVY KIDS (moneysavvy­ A more traditiona­l program, Money Savvy Kids has a coloured Perspex piggy bank at the core of its program. But the piggy bank is divided into four chambers (with four different slots) labelled save, spend, donate and invest.

Kids put money into the different chambers and can watch it grow.

The program also sells colouringi­n and activity books that cover topics such as saving, spending and consumer tips.

There is also informatio­n to help parents and teachers to explain money issues.

The piggy banks cost $30 and the activity books $5. REAL-LIFE EXAMPLES While these tools are great, there is nothing more effective than parents sharing real life examples of using money.

If you can instil streetwise consumeris­m into your kids, they will have a better chance of surviving financial temptation­s that are constantly thrust in front of them.

And your world is your classroom. Use your experience­s to explain to a child about money. There is no need to formulate elaborate lessons.

Your classroom should be anywhere, anytime.

For example, while preparing dinner discuss the economics of shopping for food if your child asks why you can’t buy Thai takeaway again that week. When reading the newspaper or watching TV, explain why you can’t buy everything that is advertised. THE ACCIDENTAL TEACHER Parents are a child’s number one role model and they study your every move … even the way you spend money.

There are two ways of teaching: unconsciou­s (by example) and conscious (as in teaching the child about something when it occurs).

Parents need to lead by example, and also take the time to explain your everyday experience­s, such as why you buy two of something when it’s on special at the supermarke­t.

Think of things from your children’s perspectiv­e to see their understand­ing of what we take for granted as common knowledge.

A good example of your goanywhere financial classroom is when you are out shopping with children and they want you to buy something expensive.

They can’t understand why you don’t just use your plastic card and “tap and go”, if there isn’t any real money left.

These are the times when you can explain about the need to have the money in the bank to pay the credit card bill. SMART SPENDING PRINCIPLES If your child wants to buy something, for example clothes, help them shop around for the best deal. If you do this there is more likelihood the child will repeat this process next time.

Start by explaining good and bad spending habits: • Good is using money to buy something you really need, such as food. • Bad is blowing all your money on chocolates or toys. Use examples that will ring true with your children. Impress on them that the key to good buying is planning what you need before you leave the house. That means doing your homework. Make a point of comparing the price of a trendy brand name item with one which isn’t so cool. Compare the quality and see if it’s worth paying extra. We’ve also found a good lesson is comparing an expense with some other good or to the amount of work time needed to pay for it. For example, that monthly mobile phone bill is equal to two movie tickets or working four hours at Maccas. People do the most damage to their budget from impulse buying. Explain to children that if they are buying a big-ticket item, ring around a few shops or go online first to compare value, even if you have to travel a bit further to get it. At the shop, resist the temptation to purchase other items just because they may be on sale. Explain that in-store demonstrat­ions and advertisin­g are designed to make things look great regardless of their necessity.

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