Mercury (Hobart)

No disharmony, says Cheika


WALLABIES coach Michael Cheika bristled at suggestion­s of team disharmony following English prop Kyle Sinckler’s sledge that Australian players were “ snitches” for reporting Kurtley Beale and Adam Ashley-Cooper for having women in their hotel room.

The pair were stood down for the England match after being reported to Cheika by the team’s leadership group, and Sinckler delivered the cutting jibe early in the second half of his side’s 37-18 victory at Twickenham.

Cheika said the entire squad was united over the issue, with team rules stipulatin­g guests were not allowed in their hotels.

“I don’t think there is a divide whatsoever. In fact, I think the opposite,” Cheika said.

“You can’t have it both ways. You can’t have people looking out for each other, and all that, and then no team standards.

“You’ve got to say that the team is more important than any of the individual­s.

“They are the decisions we make and if you have seen the way training has been this week, even after that event and then into the game, around effort and commitment from every player, I don’t think we are seeing that in any way shape or form.

“And I am sure, 100 per cent, there is nothing like that off the pitch.”

Cheika was angry at having to respond to Sinckler’s sledge because he deemed it completely untrue.

“It’s not kindergart­en. Honestly. Really? So you want me to answer a question about a sledge from an England player?” Cheika said. “At a certain point commentary stops. I can sledge you on anything I want and be nasty and it may not even be true. That’s what sledging is.

“If you sledge, you can use any tactics you want. You’ve seen the cricket, most of sledging is not true.

“It’s to rile you up and to jab you in the side, that is what it is.

“You asking me to comment on sledging on the field is pretty average. Anyone could be saying anything to niggle.

“I’m not against sledging, if you’re into it, if that’s what they want to do, I can tell you from being a good sledger on the field, it’s usually niggle.

“You want to get under people’s skin and you’ll say anything and, most of it, it’s not true.”

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