Mercury (Hobart)

The worst day of my life


HEART disease ripped away Natalie Barr’s beloved father on a day of horror — a very personal reason for her supporting demands for lifesaving Medicare-funded heart health checks.

“I was at home after reading the late news when I got a call that my dad died," the Seven Network Sunrise newsreader says through tears. “It was the worst day of my life.”

Barr, who was six months pregnant at the time, began to unravel the moment she heard.

“My father Jim had died of left ventricula­r failure, according to the report,” she said. “You never forget those things. He’s been gone 18 years and I still get upset.”

Heart disease affects many people. It’s a chronic condition — that means it’s long term.

Barr, who turned 50 last year, knew her dad was a heavy smoker, but his passing still came as a shock. “We tried to make him stop. I tried to make him stop. It was my one regret. I even bought him nicotine patches but the addiction was just too strong.”

Barr says knowing her father died from a heart attack has made her aware of the importance of looking after her own health.

“I’ve had all the checks,” she said.

“We need to keep healthy at all ages to prevent heart disease.” HEART disease is Australia’s biggest single killer, ending 51 lives a day, which is why the Mercury is partnering with the Heart Foundation to demand a change — and your support is crucial.

As one of seven key initiative­s, we are calling for Medicare-funded heart health checks, which would save thousands of lives and more than $1.5 billion over five years.

In addition to the Medicarefu­nded checks for all Australian­s at risk, we want authoritie­s to: BOOST access to life-saving cardiac rehabilita­tion programs UPDATE doctors’ guidelines for heart health checks FUND a 10-year strategy to end rheumatic heart disease CREATE a national women and heart disease campaign PUSH a tobacco-control mass media education campaign ESTABLISH a national nutrition strategy.

Help us achieve these goals by telling the Government and your local MP to #SHOWSOMETI­CKER and act.

And, as a first step to check you and your family are doing OK, visit the Heart Foundation website and use the online Heart Age Calculator by using the link below.

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