Mercury (Hobart)

Pay more for care we would all want

- Barry Donoghue Howrah

SO the Royal Commission has started. Early indication­s are that lack of staff, lack of facilities and lack of training will be to the fore in evidence given but whilst all of this is important the most distinctiv­e matter does not appear to have been raised. A recent letter highlighte­d the fact that the nursing profession is underpaid and overworked and among other duties nurses have to wash and clean patients when they soil themselves. A pay rise of 3 per cent is justified, the writer said.

Having recent personal experience with an aged-care facility in relation to care for my late wife, I was in awe at the love and compassion shown to her by many staff members. I know this is not the standard service given in all homes and as the Commission will highlight, some are downright appalling.

However, in discussion with some staff members where my wife spent her last days I was astonished to hear they are paid only $20.50 an hour and this no doubt is the major problem. Unless you pay adequate remunerati­on you cannot recruit and retain staff of the standard required to care for the elderly in the manner we would all desire. Many are called but few stay the distance.

To those staff with the compassion and desire to continue to work in the aged care area, we should all be saying thank you and advocate to the powers involved to please give them a better reward than $20.50 per hour.

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