Mercury (Hobart)

Medicare doesn’t trust us

- Stewart Edwards Mount Stuart Vicki Harrison Glenorchy Andrew Hejtmanek Howden

REGARDING Medicare claims, I too have queried the removal of the “drop box” for Medicare forms and the unavailabi­lity of blank forms (Letters, February 13). There is a simple answer — we, the public who have been filling in these forms for so many years are no longer trusted to fill out a correct form. I was told that every form must be checked to “prevent delays” in payment.

Spare cash stash

WHILE doing some research to try to find out how the State Government could so badly have underestim­ated conveyance duty when Tasmanian real estate booms follow the mainland like clockwork, I found some spare cash for the Government. In the 2018-19 budget they set aside more than $60 million to “protect the Tasmanian way of life”. They couldn’t have spent much of that.

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