Mercury (Hobart)

Amazing men — and cat


IT is worth reflecting on the discovery of the grave of Matthew Flinders under Euston Station London. This is something to celebrate. Between 1801 and 1803, Flinders was the first man to circumnavi­gate the Great South Land, together with Bunga- ree of the Kuringgai people who, in the very best spirit of co-operation and reconcilia­tion, was Flinders’ interprete­r, guide, negotiator — and friend. (On the historic voyage of HMAS Investigat­or was also a bicolour ship’s cat called Trim who Flinders described as “the best and most illustriou­s of his race.”) Bungaree was the first person to be recorded in print as “an Australian” and Flinders popularise­d the word Australia to describe our continent (then known as New Holland). Next year, as we celebrate the foundation of a penal colony, we should also reflect on the remarkable achievemen­ts of both men (and one remarkable cat).

Rob Goodfellow Wollongong, NSW

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