Mercury (Hobart)

Future stars of the stage


YOUNG Tasmanian dancers who have earned a spot in the Tasmanian Youth Classical Ballet Company are excited about what 2019 has in store. The company has 30 dancers in its southern school this year, and 15 in a new northern school.

YOUNG Tasmanian dancers who have won a spot in the Tasmanian Youth Classical Ballet Company are excited about what 2019 has in store.

Zali Nowacki, 15, who has been doing ballet for 10 years, said she was thrilled to be accepted into the company.

“This is my first year so I’m very excited,” she said. “Being in the Tasmanian Youth Classical Ballet Company will really complement my dancing.

“I feel challenged but in a good way because I know I can grow and become a better dancer.”

The company has 30 dancers in its southern school this year, and 15 in a new northern school.

Auditions held in January ran over two days, and featured a masterclas­s from former Australian Ballet principals Lana Jones and Daniel Gaudiello.

The Tasmanian Youth Classical Ballet Company was establishe­d in 2015 by Michelle Williams and Shayne Davies and is the first youth ballet company of its kind in Tasmania.

The company opened a Launceston branch as several dancers had been travelling to Hobart to rehearse.

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