Mercury (Hobart)

Don’t doubt spiritual growth


“THE earth was shaking. The guards were fearing. The angel was speaking. Mary was crying. The other Mary was trembling. The religious leaders were conspiring. The disciples were hiding, and Thomas was disbelievi­ng.” (Matthew 28:1-15, John 20:24).Jesus had risen, but it is fair to say there was a whole lot of uncertaint­y and emotion in the people.

One of those emotions is doubt. We don’t like to think of ourselves as doubters because it brings with it a negative connotatio­n, yet doubt is very real in everybody’s life. In fact, it was the great preacher Charles Spurgeon who once said: “I do not believe there ever existed a Christian who at some point did not now and then doubt his interest in Jesus.”

He went on to say: “In fact, I think, when a man says ‘I never doubt,’ it is quite time for us to doubt him.”

Doubt by its definition is a feeling of uncertaint­y, not just for the person experienci­ng it, but for those around, and as such can conjure up some uncomforta­ble feelings.

Those who are familiar with the story of the Resurrecti­on and the days and weeks that followed would be aware of the story of Thomas — the one they call Doubting Thomas. It was Thomas who, when the disciples told him that Jesus was alive, said: “I won’t believe it unless I see the nail wounds in His hands.”

It is easy to judge Thomas as a perennial doubter, but in doing so we overlook the fact that it was this same man who earlier stood up to the other disciples, showing extraordin­ary courage. “Finally, he [Jesus] said to His disciples, “Let’s go back to Judea.” But His disciples objected. “Rabbi,” they said, “only a few days ago the people in Judea were trying to stone you. Are you going there again?” Thomas said to his fellow disciples: “Let’s go, too — and die with Jesus.”

During this Easter period, take the time to reflect on the way we view others. Don’t judge those who doubt, but use the opportunit­y to stand alongside them. It may be your support in their doubt that’s the catalyst for new spiritual growth this Easter.

— Pastor Shaun White

C3 Church Hobart

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