Mercury (Hobart)

United vision to help others


AS the recently appointed state leader for the Salvation Army in Tasmania, I am new to this beautiful Island, having arrived in January this year. Already I am in love with the stunning landscape and delighted by the kindness and spirit of Tasmania’s people.

Sadly, too, I have seen that the same issues of natural disasters, isolation, addiction, poverty, homelessne­ss and family violence exist in this beautiful place, as much as they do elsewhere in Australia.

Writing this article, I’m sitting watching a new day dawn over glorious Hobart and am reminded afresh of the psalmist’s words: “The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.’’ The life of Jesus teaches us that it’s God heart for all people to flourish and to live abundantly the gift of life He has given.

The Salvation Army has a united vision that wherever there is hardship or injustice, Salvos will live, love and fight alongside others, to transform Australia one life at a time with the love of Jesus.

My prayer as we approach this Easter season is that alongside others and the wonderful people of Tasmania, we will seek to address hardship and injustice wherever we find it, we will promote the mutual flourishin­g of all Tasmanians, and all her people will come to understand and experience for themselves the overwhelmi­ngly beautiful and boundless love of God that is so incredibly displayed by Jesus in the gift of Easter.

— Captain Kim Haworth

Divisional Commander of the Salvation Army, Tasmania

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