Mercury (Hobart)

Jail stint shook Eddie’s reality


A DRUNK Eddie Betts was locked in a jail cell, thinking his AFL career was over.

“Someone else was in the corner, laying on the hard bed,” he said yesterday. “He had a blanket on him and he was shaking. I was thinking to myself, ‘What the hell am I doing here?’

“At that point, I thought is my career going to be over?”

Betts now considers his 2009 arrest not just a turning point in his footy career but his life. He had a gambling problem. Much of a wild childhood had been spent boozing and stealing. He did not have much of an education.

“I really didn’t go to school,” Betts said. “I could read and write but it was just, I reckon, about a year-seven level when I was 18.” But he’d always had footy. “AFL footy basically saved me,” he said.

But his 2009 bender with teammates at Carlton, the club that drafted him five years earlier, threatened everything.

Betts was arrested around 2am on a Sunday in Melbourne’s CBD, jailed for a short period and fined $234 by police. Carlton fined him $10,000 — the maximum allowed under club rules.

A Melbourne newspaper splashed a photo of Betts, cigarette dangling from his mouth, on the front page.

“I looked at that and said, ‘That’s not me’,” Betts said.

“It kind of slapped me in the face a little bit because I don’t want people to see me as this person on the front page. I had to get my life on track. And I guess that’s where I really started to snap out of it.” His wife Anna was pivotal. “She’s my rock, Anna, she is the most important person in my life,” Betts said. “We set some boundaries down, just to try to be a profession­al athlete.

“And she guided me and told me that I’m a role model to a lot of people and you have got to start growing up and start taking responsibi­lities for your actions.”

At the end of the 2013 season, Betts accepted Adelaide’s offer and left Carlton. “I didn’t want to leave — I cried for two hours after,” he said.

Now a father of four, Betts believes if he did not move to Adelaide, he would have burnt out after two more seasons in Melbourne. Instead he is about to play his 300th AFL game on Sunday, in his sixth season at the Crows.

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