Mercury (Hobart)

Dermie helps the Saints to believe


BELIEF has become a key ingredient at Moorabbin.

And while there is still plenty to work on, coach Alan Richardson has conceded, the Saints are relishing the task of facing a resurgent Melbourne.

Midfielder Jack Steven and skipper Jarryn Geary will return after missing the past fortnight and week respective­ly, with Richardson saying the team’s 3-1 record is having an effect.

“The boys are really building belief that if they can give great effort, if they commit themselves to the plan and to the system that we want to play, we’re a chance to beat anyone that we come up against,” he said.

“That’s the belief that we’re building. Are we there yet? No — there’s still some areas we need to work on. [Melbourne is] a quality opponent, we’ll need to go to another level this week to make sure we’ve got an even contest, but the guys are up for the challenge.”

AFL great Dermott Brereton yesterday joined the Saints as a part-time forward coach, with Richardson joking he may have to allow extra time in meetings for the former Hawk.

“We presumed it’d only go for a few minutes, but Dermie spoke so it went for about half an hour. Lesson learnt,” he said with a laugh.

The idea to install someone of Brereton’s ilk was the brainchild of assistant coach Brett Ratten.

“I played a year with Dermie — his last year of footy with the Pies — and what he did for Sav Rocca was enormous,” Richardson said. “He was really able to elevate and support the coaches in elevating Sav’s game.”

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