Mercury (Hobart)

Dalai sorry for sexism

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THE Dalai Lama has apologised for suggesting that if his successor were a woman she “should be attractive”.

“In responding to a question about whether his own reincarnat­ion could be a woman, and suggesting that if she were she should be attractive, His Holiness genuinely meant no offence,” a statement posted on his Twitter account yesterday said. “He is deeply sorry that people have been hurt.”

The comment, made during a BBC interview, was branded as old-fashioned and sexist, and slammed in the context of the #MeToo movement. THE battle for campaign cash is escalating as US President Donald Trump posted a massive haul, while a fresh-faced Indiana mayor outraised Senator Bernie Sanders, one of the most prominent names in Democratic politics.

Mr Trump’s $150 million second-quarter take reflects the resources at his disposal in his fight for re-election.

And South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s $8.6 million advantage over Senator Sanders shows the intense competitio­n the Vermont senator is facing in a crowded primary.

Together, the early numbers preview the challenges that lie ahead, particular­ly for Democrats.

While Mr Trump amasses a fortune, Democrats worry their long, divisive primary will give the President an advantage going into the election. Second-quarter fundraisin­g numbers don’t need to be reported to the Federal Election Commission until July 15, but often campaigns give an early glimpse, particular­ly if they had a good haul.

So far, only Mr Buttigieg and Senator Sanders have released their numbers, with Mr Buttigieg garnering $24.8 million and Senator Sanders pulling in $18 million and transferri­ng an additional $6 million from other accounts.

Yet to be seen are highly anticipate­d figures from former vice president Joe Biden and California Senator Kamala Harris, who saw a surge after her performanc­e at last week’s Democratic debates.

Mr Trump’s haul includes money raised by the Trump campaign, his joint fundraisin­g

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