Mercury (Hobart)

Master of your own prospects


A UNIVERSITY degree is no longer a prerequisi­te to postgradua­te study, with increasing numbers of tertiary institutio­ns recognisin­g work experience as a valid pathway to higher-level qualificat­ions.

While a Master of Business Administra­tion is the most popular option for students without an undergradu­ate degree, experts say any postgradua­te coursework program is open to those seeking to further studies.

However, entry to postgradua­te research qualificat­ions, such as a PhD, still require a bachelor degree.

The Australian Institute of Business offers MBAs to workers with five years of experience in the workplace, including three at a managerial level.

Chief executive Paul Wappett says many workers have the knowledge to complete postgradua­te study, even if they hold no formal qualificat­ions.

“(Completing postgradua­te studies without previous university qualificat­ion) is not particular­ly tough – it’s no tougher than doing an undergradu­ate degree,” Wappett says.

“If you have managed to pick up a fair bit of relevant work experience then we think that’s every bit as valuable, or even better than, the learning you would get in a three-year undergradu­ate degree.”

Good Education Group content manager Patrick Evans says entry criteria to postgradua­te qualificat­ions varies and urges prospectiv­e students to research their options.

He says completing an undergradu­ate qualificat­ion remains the preferred way for most to enrol in a postgradua­te program but those without should not be deterred.

“It really depends on the individual – somebody with ambition and a strong work ethic is likely to be successful in their studies, regardless of whether they have already studied a bachelor degree or not.”

Kane Ryan, 36, dropped out of school to take up a tool-making apprentice­ship with Holden and, over almost two decades, progressed to manage its paint shop, responsibl­e for 130 staff working three shifts.

When Holden announced it would close, Ryan realised he needed formal qualificat­ions to secure a new job so enrolled in an MBA, which he completed in 2017 – two days after Holden shut its doors.

“It was daunting (studying alongside) students who had tertiary qualificat­ions but … after a while I found there were a fair few of us who didn’t have a tertiary background,” says Ryan, who now works in field service and product support with Topcon Agricultur­e.

“When I got through the first few subjects, I got a bit more confident and realised, ‘Hey, I can do this’.”

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