Mercury (Hobart)

Bridge for the future

- Peter Turner Sandy Bay SAFETY RISK: Traffic on Pinnacle Rd to Mt Wellington. Mick Bendor Danby Robert Cassidy Bothwell

THREE mayors in the greater Hobart area have questioned the value of a new Bridgewate­r Bridge and it isn’t even in their municipali­ties. It seems they’re angling for more money for their areas. For many decades, successive government­s have placed the problem of traffic flow in and around Hobart in the too-hard basket. The building of a new four or more lane bridge at Bridgewate­r is, for once, looking to the future needs of commuters and should not be delayed. Brighton Mayor Tony Foster should be applauded for his unwavering support for the new bridge. area, whose remains lay buried within this site” (Tunnack General Cemetery) tap into that intrinsic respect, which derives from my strong associatio­n and deep love of the bush and the land. Every reader has a history, immediate and ancestral; each with a unique story to tell on what it means to identify as Tasmanian. For some it’s generation­al, for others it’s a timeless sense of belonging and identity. Whereas our collective story should never seek to expunge the “ethnic cleansing, genocide and murder” (Letters, September 20) from the historical narrative, moving forward an inclusive Tasmania recognises the worth of us all as inherently equal citizens, not perennial captives defined by that specific dark element of our pioneering past. if you live near the city. Consider nuclear power generation. If every student attending the climate strike had chosen to plant a tree instead of wagging how much carbon would be absorbed? Let’s not kill the aviation industry which is already in decline from being wrapped in cottonwool from over-regulation and egregious fees by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.

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