Mercury (Hobart)

Johnson’s action ruled unlawful

- World: Page 20

BRITAIN’S Supreme Court has ruled that Boris Johnson’s five-week suspension of parliament was unlawful.

Speaker John Bercow said MPs must “return to the house” as a “matter of urgency” after 11 judges unanimousl­y ruled last night.

The historic decision follows a dramatic three-day hearing last week where top lawyers battled it out over whether Mr Johnson misled the Queen.

The PM could now be forced to jet back from the UN summit in New York to deal with the chaotic fallout from the ruling.

In making the historic ruling, President Lady Hale said the Prime Minister’s decision to ask the Queen to shut down the Commons for five weeks was “unlawful, void and of no effect”.

She said: “The decision to advise Her Majesty to prorogue was unlawful because it had the effect of frustratin­g or preventing the ability of parliament to carry out its constituti­onal functions.”

Anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller, who helped defeat Mr Johnson, hugged her lawyer in the courtroom as her victory was confirmed.

Outside in Parliament Square, she said: “The ruling today speaks volumes. This Prime Minister must open the doors of parliament tomorrow. MPs must get back and be brave and bold in holding this unscrupulo­us government to account.”

After the ruling, a jubilant Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn called on Mr Johnson to consider his position and call a new election.

“I invite Boris Johnson, in the historic words, to ‘consider his position’,” Mr Corbyn said.

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